Strategies to Overcome Exam Anxiety during NEET/IIT JEE Preparation

Strategies to Overcome Exam Anxiety
  •   2023, 26 Aug

Strategies to Overcome Exam Anxiety during NEET/IIT JEE Preparation

In India, the NEET and IIT JEE exams are two of the most competitive and can be very stressful for students. It can be stressful to perform well and gain admission to top engineering and medical schools. It is necessary to handle and control exam anxiety effectively to achieve the best results.

Causes of Exam Anxiety during NEET/IIT JEE Preparation

A variety of things causes exam anxiety during NEET/IIT JEE preparation. You can more successfully address these reasons if you understand them. Typical causes include,

  • High-stakes nature of NEET/IIT JEE exams
  • Pressure from parents, peers, and society
  • Unrealistic expectations and fear of failure
  • Lack of effective study techniques and time management

Here are some strategies to overcome exam anxiety.

#1 Test practice

Exam preparation benefits like mock exams are helpful. They help familiarize you with the exam's structure, time restrictions, and question types.

You may identify your strengths and flaws, find areas that need work, and increase your confidence in your exam-taking skills by taking regular practice exams.

#2 Speak With Your Friends, Family, or Teachers

It's essential to keep the lines of communication open with your parents, friends, and teachers while you're studying for a test.

Sharing your worries, concerns, and achievements with them might help you feel better emotionally and gain perspective. On the basis of their experiences, they can provide direction, inspiration, and helpful advice.

#3 Maintain a Healthy Diet

Proper nutrition is essential to support your physical and mental health as you study for exams. Choose a diet that is well-balanced, with plenty of veggies, whole grains, lean meats, and healthy fats.

Caffeine and sugary snacks should be consumed on limits as they might cause energy collapses and affect your focus. Better concentration, memory retention, and general mental ability are all benefits of a healthy body and brain.

#4 Get Proper Sleep

A good night's sleep is necessary for the brain to work at its best and for memories to stick. It is tempting to skip sleep to study more, but doing so can hurt your performance.

Put sleep first as a crucial component of your exam preparation plan. To refresh your mind, improve learning, and lessen exam-related stress, aim for 7-8 hours of high-quality sleep each night. To guarantee peaceful sleep, build a relaxing at-night ritual and establish a regular sleep schedule.

#5 Prioritize Subjects and Prepare Accordingly

It's normal to feel overloaded by the extensive NEET/IIT JEE exam syllabus. Prioritize your studies according to your skills and weaknesses to reduce worry. Give concepts or topics needing more significant consideration and more time and attention.

Divide up your study time into reasonable segments, concentrating on a single subject at a time. Using this strategy, you can keep track of your progress, stay organized, and experience less stress.

#6 Time Limit for Friends and Social Media

Spending time with friends and using social media might temporarily relieve stress, but too much interaction can be inconvenient for studying.

Create boundaries by limiting your time on social media and scheduling particular times to interact with others. Set your study commitments in order of importance and find a balance between socializing and exam studying.

#7 Activate Your Body through Exercise

Regular exercise is proven to decrease stress and improve mood considerably. Practice, whether it be a brisk walk, yoga, or another type of physical activity, helps in the release of endorphins, which are natural mood boosters.

Also, exercise increases cognitive function, promotes blood circulation, and lowers anxiety and stress levels. Include exercise in your regular routine to maintain mental and physical strength, encourage relaxation, and enhance your general well-being.

#8 Avoid Negative Thoughts

Anxiety about exams can be made worse by negative thoughts and self- doubt. Positive affirmations and self-belief should take the place of negative self-talk. It's necessary to pause and rethink unproductive thought processes.

Remind yourself of your abilities, features, and successes from the past. Maintain a positive attitude as you study for your exams by visualizing achievement. Accept a growth-oriented viewpoint in which failures and errors are seen as chances to grow and learn.

#9 Be Confident

The key to controlling exam anxiety is to develop and maintain confidence. Appreciate the time and effort you invested in your planning.

Surround yourself with people who will help you feel more confident and cheerful. Remember that confidence in yourself and your preparation is more critical than flawless.


Managing exam anxiety is crucial to perform at your best when studying for the NEET/IIT JEE. Keep in mind that academic success is just as important for your emotional health. Maintain your focus, have faith in your preparation, and have faith in yourself.


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