CBSE Board Exam 2023 Dates Announced - Some Tips to Score High

CBSE Board Exam Dates 2023
  •   2023, 06 Feb

CBSE Board Exam 2023 Dates Announced - Some Tips to Score High

CBSE or Central Board of Secondary Education is an education board of national level with a curriculum that has a comprehensive syllabus and a well-structured exam pattern. The Board has released the notification stating the exam dates for 2023 board exams on its official website The Board exams for class 10 will start from February 15, 2023 and end on March 21, 2023. Similarly, for class 12 the exam will commence on February 15, 2023 and conclude on April 5, 2023. The papers commence at 10.30 am and CBSE has given enough holidays in between core subjects to help students revise thoroughly.

The CBSE class 12 data sheet for all streams 2023 is as follows:


DateSubject Name
February 16, 2023Entrepreneurship
February 15, 2023Biotechnology, Engineering graphics, Electronics technology, shorthand (English and Hindi), Food nutrition & dietetics, Library & information science
February 17, 2023Kathak, Bharatanatyam, Kuchipudi, Odissi, Maniupuri, kathakali, banking, horticulture
February 20, 2023Hindi elective and core
February 21, 2023Food production, office procedure and practices, design, data science
February 22, 2023Early Childhood Care, Artificial Intelligence
February 23, 2023Hindustani Music Voc, Hindustani Music Mel Ins, automotive, healthcare, cost accounting
February 24, 2023English elective and core
February 25, 2023Beauty & Wellness, Russian, marketing
February 27, 2023Retail, Agriculture, multimedia
February 28, 2023Chemistry
March 1, 2023Bengali, financial markets management, typography, medical diagnostics, textile design
March 2, 2023Geography
March 3, 2023Yoga
March 4, 2023Hindustani music vocal
March 6, 2023Physics
March 9, 2023Legal studies
March 10, 2023Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu, Sindhi, Marathi, Gujarati, Marathi, Manipuri, Malayalam, Odia, Assamese, Kannada, Arabic, Tibetan, french, German, persian, Nepali, Limbo, lepcha, telugu telangana, bodo, tangkhul, japanese, bhutia, spanish, kashmiri, mizo, sanskrit core
March 11, 2023Mathematics, applied mathematics
March 13, 2023Physical education
March 14, 2023Fashion studies
March 16, 2023Biology
March 17, 2023Economics
March 18, 2023Painting, graphics, sculpture, applied art (commercial art)
March 20, 2023Political Science
March 21, 2023NCS, Information technology
March 22, 2023Tourism, Air-conditioning & refrigeration
March 23, 2023Information practices, computer science
March 25, 2023Business studies, Business administration
March 27, 2023Urdu Elective, Sanskrit Elective, Carnatic music vocal, Carnatic music mel ins, Carnatic music per ins mridangam, Knowledge tradition & practices of India, Urdu core, Front office operations, insurance, geospatial technology, electrical technology, taxation, mass media studies
March 28, 2023Web application
March 29, 2023History
March 31, 2023Accountancy
April 1, 2023Home science
April 3, 2023Sociology
April 5, 2023Psychology


To do well in CBSE board exams, it is necessary to not only work hard, but work smart. Work smart is essentially planning ahead and adequately preparing by giving more time towards subjects that are challenging to understand. Here we will give you some tips to help you score the maximum possible marks.

Categorize the syllabus

CBSE board exams cover a vast syllabus and knowing what to study can mean the difference between good and great marks. Giving importance to topics that have higher weightage can help you score more marks in relatively the same amount of effort.

Study from textbooks

Preparing for your exams with the help of textbooks is the smart way to go. Not only does studying from textbooks prepares you for the board exams but the concepts and topics covered there will also come in other competitive exams. So, make it a point to study from NCERT textbook so as to not miss out on the important stuff.

Practice mock tests

Practicing by giving mock papers before you sit for the real thing boosts your confidence and prepares you mentally for what’s coming. It increases your speed as well as accuracy and improves your understanding of the question paper.

Assess your strength and weaknesses

By your half-yearly exams, you get a fair idea of your strengths and weaknesses. The wise thing to do is notice your areas of improvement and work on improving them. Once identified, you need to make a study schedule that focuses only on topics that you’re weak in. Practicing and repeating these lessons will be enough to overcome your weakness.

Take notes

Don’t forget to take notes that summarizes the entire topic. It is not possible to remember everything that you’ve studied, hence taking notes will help in you in revisiting and remembering the important points of that particular topic thus saving time and effort. They also help in last minute revisions and summarizing of key concepts.

Take a break

Don’t study for long hours in one go. Contrary to popular belief doing so is not as productive as it may appear. For students, it is challenging to focus and learn while sitting still for long periods. A conscious effort needs to be made to get up periodically in order to break the monotony. Exercising 10-15 minutes each day can also boost concentration levels and keep you fit for the impending exams.


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