5 Handy Tips to help you Ace you're JEE Advanced Exam

5 Handy Tips to Help you Ace your JEE Aadvanced Exam
  •   2022, 10 Mar

5 Handy Tips to help you Ace you're JEE Advanced Exam

Acing JEE Advanced exam is not a cake walk. Sometimes, it requires months of preparation and hard work. If you are looking forward to gaining phenomenal scores in your exam, we have a list of tips that can help you ace your JEE Advanced exam.

1. Practice constructive study habits

One hour of constructive studying is way more worth than three hours of distractive studying. Here are a few suggestions that could help you focus better.
• Keep a balanced mix of easy and challenging topics daily
• Give yourself a short break every 2 hours of studying to help increase productivity and focus
• Maintain a healthy diet and keep yourself hydrated
• Be surrounded by like-minded friends if you prefer group studies
• Always mark tough topics so that you can understand better during revision

2. Understand the exam pattern

This is something every student must do before the final exams. Get a thorough understanding about the exam pattern as it will help you prepare accordingly and achieve your desired result. The easiest way to do so is to check the previous examination papers.

3. Use the right study materials

Look for books and study resources that are actually helpful and add to your preparation. Usually, students rely on only NCERT books but you will also find other good books that will help you gain better knowledge about certain topics and concepts. Additionally, make sure to use new books for MCQ practice as it will help you leave no concept untouched.

4. Take Mock tests

In order to succeed in the exams, it is important to give mock tests. These tests will help you familiarise with the real JEE exam scenario. Additionally, by giving mock tests, you will achieve time management abilities.

5. Solve papers from the previous years

In addition to giving mock tests, you must also make a habit to solve question papers of previous year papers. Once you start solving question papers, you will slowly understand the question pattern, variation of questions, marking scheme and the amount of time you will require to solve the actual paper.

Strategy and preparation are the key components that could lead to a successful run in your JEE Advanced exam. Follow the above mentioned tips to ace your entrance exam.
All the best!


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